Just how big is this damn place?
After what seems like months of trying to get together, we finally sat down to play our third session of D&D 5E, The Lost Mines of Phandelver. The group entered the hideout of the Redbrands and discovered that things in Phandelver were worse than they ever imagined....
Things we learned:
- 5E is a blast! We all love it. The players love how smooth and quick it plays and I love how easy it is to DM. It's getting closer and closer to a narrative style game and that's how I was trying to run it (I may have failed).
- 5E can be brutal if the DM pulls no punches, which I didn't. Though we were down from 5 to 4 players, I felt that the danger and the anxiety amongst the players was ramped up this session. It's very satisfying to have a player say, "Whoa, I might just die here!" They didn't die, though the Nothic battle put the fear of God into them. It was downright creepy and packed quite a punch.
- Droop was fun to play and I hope the players let him stick around. If anything, he's good with a mop!
- Virgil Zell is a real dick, but he doesn't care.
- Glassstaff got away, which is good news for me. I've got big plans for that guy!
- Bottom line: We had a blast and we are all anxious for our next session...whenever that will be.