Session One Character Logs
Employer: Scout Corps Attache, Admiral Sylas "Bastard" Nevers' contact.
-Human male. Sylas Strong
-Human male. Hamish MacTeague
-Aslan male. Lahgia "Jackie" Faouwau
-Vargr male. Damian
-Human male. Dr. Mark "Bonesaw" Valentine
Missing Transpo "High N' Dry"
High N' Dry is to be returned to the scout corps discreetly and quickly.
Crew is to be returned living, if possible.
Damian has organized a bonus upon completion of all objectives. Smarter than he lets on. (Underlined twice)
J-1, Log-2
Departed Flammarian and engaged in training exercises with Damian and the departure crew. One injury.
Training exercises have been halted by the ship's captain. For now.
J-1, Log-3
Arrived on 567-908 for refuel.
Engaged in target practice while in clear areas, locals and crew donated hooch and enjoyed the afternoon.
MacTeague scuttled off to fix a local vehicle. Mechanic specialty noted, valuable asset.
J-1, Log-4
Traveling. NTR.
J-1, Log-5
Arrived on Walston, imperial applicant, obvious signs of classist separation.
Damian was able to secure our ability to carry sidearms on the world with tact and documentation. Extremely valuable asset
J-1, Log-6
Ate local cuisine. The chef and waitress (human) attempted several times to keep me from speaking with line cooks (Vargr) and reprimanded them for looking me in the eye. Local cuisine was delicious. Water planet, fish, apparently an aggressive species of it. Tipped the cooks directly. Did not tip the waitress as I was treated poorly for drinking my coffee and my colleagues were hurried along in the empty restaurant under the guise of our table being reserved.
J-1, Log-7
Graffiti of what appears to be a dog skull painted on buildings being scraped and painted over. See attached picture.
J-1, Log-8
Went to a clothing shop in an attempt to engross myself in local culture, was met by a human who tried to sell me rags. Went to the vargr in the back who helped me with sizing some local items to wear with pride. A bright shoulder cape of greens, purples, and blues made from one of the customary kilts (we did not have a local kilt in my size. I shall wear this item with the pride).
Shop owner called police to remove us, claiming to have asked us to leave. All present corroborated we were never asked to leave. Damian was stared down and when he wouldn't bow to the human enforcers we were escorted away.
More graffiti on the way to the train.
J-1, Log-9
Traveling via train.
J-1, Log-10
Arrived in capital, ate again. Knew me by name and referred to me as trouble when I wanted to speak to staff again. I've been asked by MacTeague to contain myself until the job is finished before executing these racist fuEXPUNGED
Headed to the palace to make contact with local government. Damian heard some scanner chatter about stolen vehicles. There's a second crew on this job we weren't warned about. Bring up during negotiations (underlined and circled)
Met with Minister Greener, minister of foreign affairs, transports and six other items. Informed us of another crew on the job and offered us off-the-books knowledge of the High N' Dry's location. Became irritable and uncomfortable when questioned about why the local Vargr didn't know their native language and why they only worked menial jobs.
We have considered stealing another of the dictatorships vehicles, similar to the previous crew, but decided against in favor of trains and climbing gear.
J-1, Log-11
Stopped for gear at a settlement before taking transport to a small village near the volcano. Secured transport via gyrocopter. Began ascent. One injury, patched.
Damian's Log
Report Detail: 887AC3
Agent Designation: 778A88
Personal report: Starting at 0800 hours tomorrow I had been summoned to a meeting with distinguished Admiral Strong on Flammarion for another assignment to complete along with other comrades Hamish, Jack, and Mark. Given transportation in a two-stop route to Walston. On our way there we underwent some training in our downtime, having Mark help me with my hand-to-hand combat. While he educated himself in the arts, which I find interesting for a man of his standing. When arriving at our intermediary point of 567-908 Hamish decided to teach the locals some shooting practices while Hamish repaired a land rover that had broken down.
After those small escapades, we made our way to Walston and landed. The place seemed sparse and cold. Greeted by the Officer there we were informed that our objective to retrieve the ship for the company Strong set our mission from had been pursued by another ship crew. One that was far more rambunctious and far less sociable than we are. They had caused trouble in the town we were in a few days prior. I am subject to small discrimination in this particular colony as none of the human subjects seem to acknowledge my existence despite the fact that I am right in front of their faces.
It would seem my friend Mark took this disgrace personally and began acting irrationally. Starting a stir where one is not needed. I have also taken note that the population has taken a liking to a particular order of things. The Vargr seem to have bent the knee so to speak in their subjugation compared to the humans. They take orders without question and haste. They bow their heads down. And they seem to act in minor fear of the humans that control them. Trying to avoid conflict the best they can.
Some graffiti of a movement I know little about has sprung up in local towns. With our rival crew ahead of us, and with a reliable hover vehicle we need to get to that ship first. We took a local guide up to where the ship had crashed, only up to about 800 meters up the mountain. Our local sherpa divulged conspiracy theories about the graffiti we saw earlier. We made more progress on the mountain before my comrade Jack fell and got himself hurt. Mark patched him up and now we sit 900 meters above ground on a steep cliff.
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